How to Turn Into a Mermaid Whenever You Want a Spell Easy

Mermaid's Comments (group member since Jul 20, 2012)

Katerina Petrova
aka Katherina Pierce.
You will need the following items for this spell:
Night time.
Alone time.
1 nothing.
this spell turn you in you into a mermaid in 2 hours. NOTE: this spell does work for only some people. Good Luck.
"Mermaids of the deep I wish to be one of your kind I wish to be a mermaid with a (color tail) and a power I would like to have the power to (only one power) water. I wish to be a mermaid. I will get my tail and power in 2 hours. But if I see the full moon I will go to the water and shall be a mermaid all night and shall not turn back to normal until the full moon sets. But I must be careful just one drop of water and I shall turn to a mermaid and when dry a human. But my power I can use wet or dry. So Mote It Be."
Say that three times when its night and in two hours you'll be a mermaid.
Side effects are, coming shortly after the spell, are:
legs itching, thirsty, belly aches.
Good Luck.
You will need the following items for this spell:
this spell turns you into a mermaid in 1 hour. Good Luck.
Casting Instructions for 'A Mermaid Spell:Makes You A Mermaid In 1 Hour.
First off take a cup of water and put a piece of jewelry in the water and say this chant three times.
"Glass of the sea, make me what I wish to be make me a mermaid legs are not needed just a tail and one special power. I would like to have a tail the color of (tail color) and the special power I would like to have is to (power) water. I will get my tail and power in 1 hour. Rain shall not affect me but one drop of any other water will. A mermaid when wet a human when dry. You shall make my deisre so please help me become what I wish to be I wish to be a mermaid. So Mote It Be."
That's the spell say it three times it doesn't matter if its day or night and then in 1 hour you'll get your tail and power.
Side effects are:
Legs itching, and sudden thirst.
Good Luck.
Btw. leave the piece of jewlery in the water for the following hour.'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Saying it in the bath with the door locked
I know this spell works but it may not work for you only some people become a mermaid from it
Say: Water of nature talk unto me, Water of nature let the earth come to me, Water of nature sea creatures and I, will never leave each until I resign, Oh great oceans, Oh great seas, anwer my want answer my need, make me a mermaid
You will need the following items for this spell:
Want to become a mermaid? then try this spell.
Casting Instructions for 'A MERMAID SPELL THAT JUSTMIGHT WORK! Spell'
"Mermaids and witches far and near.Please listen now,lend me ear. My wish is simple as you see to be a mermaid with the sea. I wish to have a tail. Please don't fail.My powers i wish for my time underwater is eternal for gills on the neck are essential...Mermaids and witches please let my eternal wish forever be please me just me become a mermaid when wet and a human when dry at the sturck of midnight tonight so mote it be."
"it takes 10 seconds don't you see to be a mermaid to be one with water rain shall not affect me only water from any other place a mermaid when wet and a human when dry. at the struck of midnight tonight so mote it be"
At midnight you will get your powers and your tail!
belive and it will happen.
You will need the following items for this spell:
A bath full as high as you can
1 towl
1 symbol (hair, eyes, bracelet)
Try it! It worked for me.
1. Go into your bath
2. Stick your legs together at all times exept at step 4
3. Recite this: Mermaids and mermen of the deep blue sea,
make me what I wish to be a human when dry, a mermaid when wet,
Tail colour of___(what colour you want, multi-colour even) and powers of___(Freezing, boiling or molding water)
5. Get out of the tub and dry off quickly.
6. You will get your tail in 1 week and powers in 2 weeks.
Info: You must keep your symbol on at all times untill your powers and tail are fully there. The bath has to take at least 20 minutes.
Side effects: Itchy legs, legs turning the colour you want, hair growing abnormally faster, legs crossing by themselves some times sticking together.
You will need the following items for this spell:
bowl or something to hold some water.
a symbol
this spell will work it makes you a mermaid in 1 week it takes 1 week for a tial to fully grow and form but after on week you'll get your tail and powers enjoy.
Casting Instructions for 'A Mermaid Spell: Makes U A Mermaid In 1 week.
Mermaid Spell
first thing u do is one part of body must be wet like a finger or foot etc. in water without salt and say this chant three times
"oh great guardian of light grandmother of the sea please grant my wish for me to become one of u a MERMAID to have a (TAIL COLOR) tail and the power of (POWER) I wish to be a mermaid in 1 week but not forever I will become a mermaid when i touch water only with my pearly charm on and when I leave the water my feet return to me when I go to the water I return to the sea But I must be careful If I see the full moon and I touch water I will be a mermaid all night and shall not turn back to normal to when the full moon sets I will be granted with my tail with my charm whenever I touch water but my powers shall stay forever (SAY YOUR SYMBOL SPECIFICALLY) you shall make my desire SO MOTE IT BE!!!!
Afterwards u will get these side effects such as:
You will feel tingly,achy,nauseous, and itchy and maybe a rash, and ur belly will hurt often, if u chose a heat por freeze power u will feel cold alot if u chose freezing and if u chose heat you'll feel hot alot.
But all of those side effects will be gone after your tail and powers come in.
U don't have to wear the symbol all the time until your tail appears u just have to wear it often.
You can only tell and/or show two people. If u tell more than just two people than your tail and powers will go away. So be careful. And keep it a secret.
You will need the following items for this spell:
1 Symbol (Necklace, earring or bracelet)
It only works for those who TRULEY want it.
Casting Instructions for 'Become a mermaid Spell'
You must be touching water, you dont have to be soaked, just touching any sort of water. Say this spell once only if you mess up; do it again.
A human when dry, a mermaid when wet
Let me become what i want to be
My (tail color you choose____)
tail will appear next full moon
30 seconds after i touch water,
The next half moon, my powers
will come, but they will be
a suprise. Waters of earth,
come into me, make me a mermaid.
You will need the following items for this spell:
1 cup of cold water
ice cube
this will turn you into a mermaid in 1 week side effects weak legs legs changing colors feel tired or light headed legs aching
Casting Instructions for 'mermaid potion Spell'
shake the salt into the water
put the ice cube in
say this spell
mermaids mermaids talk to me make me one with you a [color] tail and a [color] bikini top. I shall not have to take more than 5 sips I want to be a mermaid so mote it be
drink the potion
You will need the following items for this spell:
-A piece of jewelry etc. necklace, bracelet, ring (I suggest a ring because it easier to wear when sleeping)
-Water.You could be in the bath or just having your hand under water. You just have to be touching water.

You will need the following items for this spell:
Blue Candle
Jewlery ect.
In the bath tube (bath)
Night time (7:4a.m. or more
Not alot of SINS
This helps you become a mermaid exactly like the movi ''H20''. You do to appear to have powers. You choose them in the spell this worx too. its my spell, its developed, so anyone can use it like any other spell just locked up in the world...ENJOY!
Casting Instructions for 'How To Become An H20
First, get into the bathtube. Take a bath. While the doors are locked. You need the candle lit. A bathroom fan on, so your family does not know you are turning into a mermaid. If they came in while your doing this spell, you mess up, your in trouble. But anyway, lets continue. Now, imagine what tail and power your having. Believe it can happen. Remember, close your eyes to imagine. You have to say the spell 15 times if your 15. Or if your 9, say it 9times. Say it the time as your age. If you don't follow this spell right, you can actullay be putting the curse on you, so I expect you to write it down on a blank peace of paper. And bring the paper into your bath to follow right instructions. Now, you have alot of sins more than 12, or 18, your going to get evil knocking back at your door! Okay, now all those steps are done, now for the saying spell. Be very very strong with a voice and don't ever mess up. What I'm trying to say is, take this sereacely! Don't mess up. You can acendently put a curse on you. that curse would be a "Lightning Curse"! SO heres what to say:
Twists and Twirls of the sea, can you speak to me? grant me to be an H2O living creature. I would like powers to protect in the sea, so mote and make this me. I'd like a shiny tail since I'm a Girl/Boy, so make it be. I live as a mermaid, let it be because I invoke thee.
Sea living objects, it can be. Will you make this me? This is who I wish to be! Please, grant me what I deserve to be, a human like fish is me! So Mote Me Be! I'd have a tail color of () and thy power of () please! This is all I need to protect myself in the sea! Sea belongs, human doe not, I'm free to no longer be inside humanity!
So Mote It Be!!! I grant a wish of the sea! So make this me! MOTE THIS ONE BE JUST FOR ME!!!
Your tail does not disapear when people see it. Anyway, it's permanit, so you cant reverce this spell. Its developed by me.
Telekinesis Hydrokinesis Atmokinesis Thermokinesis (I HAVE) Audiokinesis Cryokinesis Gyrokinesis Geokinesis (DONT NO WHAT THIS ONE IS).........Or you can make your own. how? Imagined. Replace the () with ""imagined me"" so what power or color you think, you get!
Takes 1day. Once you done the spell put away the charm. You dont need it for the spell to be a mermaid anymore.
Green Blue Pale Blue Baby Blue Navy Blue or your imagined. Liek i said, to get your own color, imagine it. just replace the () with ""imagined me""
You will need the following items for this spell:
night time.
alone time.
cup of water.
two pieces of paper.
picture of the full moon (can be drawn)
spell to get mermaid powers. it takes two hours for two powers one hour for one power three hours for three powers and four hours for four powers. it has to be dakr. good luck.
Casting Instructions for 'HOW TO GET MERMAID POWERS. Spell
First off it has to be dark and you have to be inside and you need a picture of the full moon (can be drawn) and then you set a cup of water in the middle of a pentagram made into a circle made out of paper and then write down on a piece of paper what powers you want to be able to have (can have up to four powers) and then you place the piece of paper inside the cup of water and you look at the picture of the full moon for a couple of momments and then you say this chant five times.
"Mermiads, mermaids of the deep, I shall be able to protect the ocean waters and myself from harm. I wish for the powers of () water. So grant me with these powers. So it shall be. So mote it be."
and then it takes one hour for one power two hours for two powers three hours for three powers four hours for four powers.
Side effects: if you choose a heat power you will feel hot often and if you choose a freeze power you will feel cold often, headaches, bellyaches, and that's mainly it.

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