Uterus Feels Funny Week After Sex

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Tingle in uterus

Ok this sounds weird but I'm at 6 dpo and today I've noticed thoses weird tingly feeling in my uterus like mini orgasms.... It's really odd...... Has anyone else had this??

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I had something like this yesterday evening I was 6dpo... it felt more like a stinging maybe not sure. Really weird! Never had that before. GL :)


Once I get that feeling, I know I am pregnant! (I have 4 children) all four I had that tingling! It reminds me of having a pap. Best of luck to you ladies!:)


I got my fluttering feeling like 3/4 DPO it was strange then got bloated like crazy now I feel super full always and pee a million times!!


I got my fluttering feeling like 3/4 DPO it was strange then got bloated like crazy now I feel super full always and pee a million times!!


What does it feel like? I felt mini tingles in my lower abdomen on and off today


And it doesn't feel like an orgasm to me


I can't speak for the other ladies, but mine felt like a stinging. like someone took a small needle and poked me in my uterus area. It happened a few times and then stopped. Haven't felt it today at all.


Mine felt like little butterflies or like ur eye twitching

Mine were like twinges. As if my uterus was slightly vibrating. I did end up being pregnant that cycle but had an early miscarriage. But I would say its a good sign!!

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Source: https://community.whattoexpect.com/forums/trying-to-conceive/topic/tingle-in-uterus.html

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