Graphene a Review of Applications in the Petroleum Industry
i. Abstract
Graphene was attracted a widespread attending recently years because of its unique atom-thick two-dimensional structure and first-class backdrop. Graphene materials have been applied in energy storage and conversion, catalysis, electronic, loftier strength material, chemical and biosensor and biotechnology fields. With the decline of conventional oil and gas resource, unconventional oil and gas resource and complex well increased gradually. The drilling applied science encountered new claiming. We reviewed the research and awarding of Graphene materials in oilfield based on the requirement of drilling technology, and discussed the prospect of Graphene material in oilfield.
1. Introduction
Graphene structural features
The groups such every bit carboxyl groups are concentrated on the edges of Graphene oxide nanosheets. There are a large number of hydroxyl groups and epoxy groups in the middle zone of Graphene oxide nanosheets. The reduced Graphene is obtained when the Graphene oxide is reduced. The hydroxyl and epoxy groups in the middle zone of reduced Graphene nanosheets are reduced Hexagonal structure is destroyed and Graphene nanosheets with structural defects are formed. A large number of carboxyl groups, hydroxyl groups and epoxy groups are active groups, which are easy to be functionalized. The structural characteristics of Graphene make it easy to be functionalized. It laid the foundation for the extensive awarding of Graphene.
Applications of Graphene
The benzene was grafted onto the surface of Graphene by using hydrazine hydrate as reducing agent. Graphene and chemical modified grapheme are added to the drilling fluid, and Graphenenanosheets are adsorbed onto the surface of wellbore to reduce drilling fluid into the stratum, equally shown in Effigy two.2.
In September 2013, Xuan Yang reported a paper nearly the preparation and evaluation of nano-Graphene oxide as a high-performance fluid loss condiment [32]. Filtration control properties of Graphene oxide according to the API standards are evaluated and the results show that Graphene oxide has excellent fluid loss performance. Compared with conventional filtrate reducers, Graphene oxide has the advantages of low dosage and thin cake.
The power of Graphene to plug nano pores is further revealed. Amino modified Graphene also has excellent ability to inhibit shale expansion. The mechanism of action betwixt amino Graphene and clay minerals is analyzed in item in the paper. Graphene is adsorbed on the surface of shale by hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interaction, and a compact film is formed. This film prevents moisture entry and inhibits the hydration expansion of the clay. The experiment data shows that the amino modified Graphene has fantabulous power of plugging the nano pore of shale and inhibiting the hydration expansion of dirt.
1.3.6 Lubricant
ii. Expand the scope of inquiry, behave researches on drilling fluid, completion fluid, workover fluid, acidizing fluid, fracturing fluid, plugging agent.
iii. Accelerate the industrialization of Graphene materials.
Graphene materials with will excellent backdrop have wide application prospects in oilfield. It is expected to become a new generation of working fluid system. It is hopeful to play a unique role in the exploitation of unconventional oil and gas resources such as shale gas, coalbed methane and tight gas.
We would similar to give thanks for the fiscal support from Prc Postdoctoral Fund (H29216)for this work.
Figure one: a) Graphene oxide; b) reduced Graphene[29].
Figure 2.1: preparation of modified Graphene [30].
Effigy two.ii: Schematic diagram of Graphene and modified Graphene [30].
Figure 2.3: SEM image of Graphene in mud filtrate [31].
Figure 2.4: pressure alter in brine system and amino modified Graphene system[35]. a, c) brine arrangement; b, d) amino modified Graphene arrangement.
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